Dietmar R. Winkler
Posted by Scott
This series of images by Dietmar R. Winkler appeared in Graphis 71-72. It is perhaps the most perfect thing I have ever seen. I would love to reproduce this and print it up large format for my wall. Does anyone know where to find an original full size version? I am posting this from a KFC in Prague at the moment (sadly, it’s the only free WiFi spot in the area), will be posting some pictures soon.

11 Comments Leave A Comment
Domo says:
January 30, 2008 at 12:31 pmWelcome to Czech Republic! Prague is lovely place, isn’t it? Wonderful city with historical centre.
drew kora says:
January 30, 2008 at 1:16 pmwow that’s gorgeous…especially the arrows in the upper right square. wish i knew where to get it myself.
Akira says:
January 30, 2008 at 3:45 pmmiss rawfish yet? there’s a crazy sushi chef named Yuki at Yami Restaurant (masna 3 paraha 110 00)… Stop by to say hi if you have the chance!
love your work and the pictures posted here. glad you are getting your inspiration!
Eddy says:
January 31, 2008 at 6:27 amI have access to Graphis 71-72 if you need some scans? just send me a shout
Jetro says:
January 31, 2008 at 11:19 amsweet :)
Phil says:
January 31, 2008 at 8:33 pmWow! I was just browsing through here and recognized the name! Dietmar was my college professor a couple of years back! It’s great to see his work on the web!
Robert says:
February 2, 2008 at 5:30 pmWow is right! I had Dietmar as a college professor as well. Never thought I’d see his work here.
Frank says:
May 19, 2008 at 5:08 pmDietmar was responsible, as I recall, for introducing the first MacIntosh computers at UMass Dartmouth back ’86 or ’87 changing the course of my history in a most positive way.As an older student (31) and a loose cannon I somehow got to hang with Dietmar when I was at”SMU”. I helped him stain his home studio building one summer and stake the railroad ties that lined his driveway into the ground with rebar the next. Unfortunately his dog died that summer. He paid me generously for the few days I helped – saving my sorry butt. I am ashamed to say that my lack of personal success in the visual design field (and cowardice)gave me some kind of piss-poor excuse not to stay in touch with him.
bruce colthart says:
May 21, 2008 at 6:30 pmLike several of you, I have fond memories of Dietmar, in his role as Dean of the Arts college at Southeastern Mass. University (now UMass Dartmouth). He was a man large in my life, a mentor and a no-bullshit guy. As a budding designer, he got me my first paying art gig – an illustration for in Harvard Business Review back in ’82(?). I hope that “gem” is never found by anyone, or at least not shown to me. he got me my second paying gig too – a poster for the college’s opera company production “The Bosom of Tiresias.” That poster I think I still have, somewhere. I too have lost touch and am a little embarrassed not to have done more with the skills and the passion he saw – and fostered – in me.